

While this world is play and the end result is dust and dry soil

Do we dare to embark on illumination?

Do we share in the wonders of the soul?

So we look for permanence in the perishing

And we cannot penetrate the phenomenal being

So we go with the excuses of the ego and fail

And we see that this metaphorical share cannot claim

So I seek permission to turn a full conscious degree

Counting every bounty,

I am impelled by heart felt love

I sow the world and leave the chaff

I cease attachment to the fragments of glass

I recognise lies in truth and let it pass

I seek a permanent beloved in place of the transient

I observe with the eye of discernment

I pay attention to the hidden beauty

I ignore the decorations and go

I love the One signified

I see His light’s radiance

I realise this,

I cannot claim existence

The outer meanings are limited

But there is a trace of mercy in everything and every aspect

What we can do is so much

But the ego always wants to condemn

Upset for not getting, pride in gain

What we can do is so much

Just to turn a full conscious degree would be enough